
Use the pie chart/circle graph to find the best answer to each question

1. Approximately how many hours a day are spent sleeping?

A.            6 hours
B.            9 hours
C.            8 hours
D.           10 hours

2. According to this graph, for every 24 hours, about how many hours are spent socializing and     watching TV?

A.            4 hours
B.            2 hours
C.            5 hours
D.           6 hours

3. If a student ate ¾  (three-fourths) of their meals away from home, what % of the total day      is spent eating other than at home?

A.            6%
B.            4%
C.            7%
D.           12%

4. Approximately how many hours a day are spent in school and doing homework?

A.            7 hours
B.            8.5 hours
C.            9 hours
D.           8 hours

5. Which equation shows how to figure the amount of time a student spends watching TV during     a week?  A equals the total amount of time watching TV for a week.

A.            A = 13%  X  24  X  7
B.            A =  24  X  13  X 7
C.            A =  1.3  X  7  X  24
D.           A =   24  DIVIDED BY  13%  X  7

6. Approximately how much time is spent in a week on socializing?
A.            20 hours
B.            21 hours
C.            22 hours
          D.       23 hours

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